Futuristic electronic music for videos revolving around themes such as technology, science, robotics, and AI.
0:00 02:21 -
The Trek
Witty score with clever melodic elements and a hopeful orchestral arrangement. Perfect for videos about adventures, weddings, or romantic nature documentaries.
0:00 02:21 -
Optimistic Overdrive
Motivating pop music with an optimistic mood, perfect for videos related to topics such as corporate films, business, success, and medicine.
0:00 02:54 -
Last Transmission
Futuristic ambient electronic track with a fast tempo and a mix of dynamic bass, mesmerizing piano, and pulsating synthesizer pads. Perfect for videos about robotics, AI, technology, and science.
0:00 02:15 -
Professional music licensing on audiohub.com – also for businesses and institutions
Opulent funk track with a powerful brass section, groovy wahwah rhythm guitar and snappy organ.
0:00 02:26Go to audiohub -
Moment In Time
Futuristic EDM production music with pulsating rhythms and atmospheric synthesizers. Ideal production music for videos on topics such as lifestyle, fashion, vlogs, technology, and science.
0:00 02:29 -
Strange Taste
Exciting electronic music with clever melodies and dangerous beats. Ideal production music for videos related to topics such as adventure and documentaries.
0:00 02:02 -
Swirling Particles
Electronic sounds and futuristic beats come together to create an innovative sound. Ideal production music for videos on topics such as technology, science, medicine, health, robotics, and AI.
0:00 02:29 -
Futuristic electronic music with a mix of synthesizers and drums. Ideal production music for videos on topics such as technology, science, robotics, and AI.
0:00 02:09